Infancia Plena was a project that required multiple approaches. We were in charge of a nationwide investigation, the creation of the brand, name and communication’s strategy, which included producing a TC ad and some radios spots.
The Ecuadorian government created the National Inter-Sectoral Strategy for Early Childhood under the Ministry of Social Development and tasked us with giving this initiative a name.
For this assignment we worked closely with La Verité, a production company specialized in educational and social projects and with Giro Ciudadano, the consulting firm that was in charge of the investigation.
Our work was focused in children between 0 – 5 years old. This development stage is affected by myths about nutrition, stimulation, affection, gender roles and many other aspects and we had to take all of that into consideration. We also had to work with different Ministries which had implemented their own programs focused in tiny aspects of upbringing, leaving the big picture aside.

The process
This project started with a nationwide qualitative and quantitative research. We gathered important data from all the groups that participated and we used it to create the name and the brand of this project.
For the name we used an expression that has 2 meanings. Plena can either mean wholesome or it can be a very coloquial expression meaning fun. The first meaning gives us the idea of how child upbringing should be and the second one gives us a playfull idea of how childhood should be.
Designing the brand was a very interesting process due to all the information we received from Paula Castello, an anthopologist that worked in the process. After a lot of discussion, we agreed that it was very importat that the brand was true to reality, showing a diverse family and no only one formed by a mother, a father and their children.
Since affection is one of the most important aspects in child upbringing, we decided to show this by basing our desing in two genderless figures that form a heart.
We also wanted to show the community behind every child since grandparents and other family members are always involved in a child’s life. Thats why we added a third figure that surrounds the children.
For the slogan we chose “Those first years that leave a mark in life” to show the importance of those first 5 years. Regretably, the Ministry changed the slogan to “From 0 to 5 years, their future is now” which is a little confusing and hard to remember. Finally, the slogan was shortened to “their future is now”.

The campaign
Based on the logid we used while creating the brand, we made a proppossal which included a TV commercial (both in spanish an Kichwa), a series of radios spots and a traveling fair.
This fair would have a play where the public would participate and build an idea along with the actors and actrecess and many other activities for all the family to enjoy.
The TV commercial lasted very little because there were a lot of changes in the communication’s department of the Ministry. Each of these changes brought new revisions to the script and it was never finished properly. If you scroll down you can see what we wanted to create.
The rest of the communication products that were created were not used entirely and some public offices used them intermittently.
Although it had all these problems, the brand we created is still active and the strategy largely maintains the spirit of the initial approach.
This project never had a web page or social media so it is very difficult to measure its effectiveness.